Thursday, April 3, 2008

Animal Safari!

The game I've found is called Animal Safari!

In this game, students get to spell, identify, and label different animals.

This website can be connected to Grade 1 Science: Animals.

I would use this website for students to work in pairs. I think they would like to do this in pairs so that they can communicate with each other about the animals and figure out what they are. Afterwards, I would get them to pick their favourite animal and present some information about it to the class. The teacher could provide a list of appropriate and fun websites for them to use. This information would include the type of habitat it lives in, its characteristics (what it looks like, is it big or small), and whether or not they think this animal would be a good pet to have.

This website would enhance student's learning because it will get the students to create a dialogue about the animals. They will get to share what they think about know about them, as well as looking for more information on an animal that interests them.

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