Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Great Balloon Race!

The website I've found is called The Great Balloon Race!

In this game, you have to either use the burner to let heat in or vent the balloon to let air out in order to suspend the hot air balloon through a scenery until the end. If you hit something or the ground, it pretends to hit it, but it gives you another chance to keep going. However, it's timed throughout the whole thing.

This website can be connected to Grade 7 Science: Optional Unit - Temperature & Heat.

I would use this site with my students by getting them all to experience playing with it first and then to research the reason why heat makes the balloon go up and by letting air out, the balloon goes down. They would first hypothesize what they think the answer is and then find the actual answer and hand it in.

This site can enhance student's learning because they get to experience an actual activity and then they can attempt to figure out the reasoning themselves while backing up their thoughts with research. This site is fun for student's to experiment with and it can get them thinking logically about why the balloon works in a certain way.

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