Tuesday, February 12, 2008

*Lemonade Stand/Coffee Shop*

The interactive website I've chosen to write about today is Lemonade Stand or Coffee Shop (in the end, they are basically relying on the same methods and principles but you can decide whether you'd like to work with lemonade or coffee! - Personally, I would pick coffee:) )

This website can connect to Grade 9 Career Guidance: Career Awareness, Exploration, and Planning (specifically, the Life of an Entrepreneur).

How I would use this website in my classroom is to get students to experience what it would be like to own their own business and to make decisions based on many variables in order to ensure their success. I would get them to go through a week's worth of running the business, while documenting on a sheet the proportions of supplies they used each day, a few comments customers had about the products & service, and how well they did at the end of each day. At the end of that week, students will determine what they need to do and change in order for them to gain more business. We would hold a classroom discussion on the successes, failures, and obstacles that everyone has been having during that pretend week. Then, students would complete another week's worth of business and compare that to their first week, determining what was different and whether they think they were doing well!

It's a very fun and interactive learning tool, and I think every teacher should try to incorporate this site!

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